If we are already enrolled in RVA, do we have to open enroll again to stay?

Open Enrollment Wisconsin

Along with Spring comes another season known here at school as "Open Enrollment."

The traditional open enrollment window allowing families to choose up to 3 different school districts, (besides their resident district), to have their children possibly attend NEXT school year will open at midnight, February 4th, 2019.  Parents will have the ability to open enrollment their children through this process up through the end of April.

With this window of time about to open, one of the most frequently asked questions we receive from RVA families is, "If we are already enrolled in RVA, do we have to open enroll again to stay?"   The answer to that question is simply, "No."   Families who have been accepted into the RVA under open enrollment DO NOT have to open enroll again to stay.  Our rule is that,  "once you are in, you are in."

If you are thinking that your child(ren) are wanting to continue in RVA next year, all you will need to do is let us know later this Spring when we start sending out registration papers to update, etc.  (On that note, parents will be happy to know that the returning families registration packet is getting whittled down.  We are going to make that process as simple as possible for our families in the coming year!)

Thank you to our parents for choosing the RVA and allowing us to be part of your family. 

It is truly an honor to work for you.  On behalf of all the staff, we thank you for all of your support and dedication you give not only to your children but to all of us as well. ❤️